Your ILA homework for next class us to complete 10 of these questions...
How about you do five questions and I'll do questions. We'll meet after school.
Perfect! The teacher will never know!
A few hours later...
What did you get for question 6?
I got.. C !
Would you consider this cheating? Why or why not?It depends if this is considers cheating. If the teacher says you can do group work it would not, but since in this scenario she never says that, it would be cheating since you are not solving all the problems yourself
Who is cheating in your scenario? Both of the students are cheating in this scenarioHow did they cheat? Explain. The student cheated because they were getting answers from each other without doing the work, also without the teacher knowingHow would you handle this situation if you were placed in this situation? If I was placed in this situation, I would make sure to answer all question on my own, even if it was grup work, I would make sure to do the work as well.