Hello, i'm representing the Indonesian Government!
We want to rule Indonesia!
Hi, i'm Sutan Syahrir!
Hi, i'm Wim Schermerhorn!
Hello, i'm Lord Killearn!
Linggarjati was the first negotiation which resulted in an agreement between the Dutch Government and Indonesian Government.
Points from Linggarjati Agreement1. The Netherlands acknowledge (de-facto) the existence of the Republic of Indonesia that includes Sumatra, Java and Madura.2. The Republic of Indonesia and the Netherlands are to cooperate in making the Republic States of Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia, Kalimantan, and Eastern Indonesia).3. The Republic States of Indonesia and the Netherlands are to build the Indonesia-Netherlands Union chaired by the Queen of the Netherlands.
After Indonesia’s Independence declaration, the Dutch was still trying to restore their rule in Indonesia. They were not ready to let go Indonesia.
Linggarjati Agreement
Indonesia was represented by Sutan Syahrir as the leader. The Netherlands was represented by Wim Schermerhorn as the leader. The British was represented by Lord Killearn as the mediator of the conference.
The agreement was signed by the Indonesia and the Dutch. The signing was done on 25 March 1947.