Mr. Smith is not exactly happy with his life. His wife seems to love him too much, and he is very dull on the inside.
I love you honey! Don't forget to eat up at lunch! Have a great lovely day!
Did you forget anything? I hope you're not too tired!
Mr. Smith is surprised that Mr. Braling will even come out for a drink with him, as he has not done that in a very long time, and Mr. Braling tells him that he will show him.
You haven't gone out in years! How did you get out?
Haha... You'll find out soon enough.
Mr. Braling introduces the shocked Mr. Smith to his identical clone, which will take his place as he lives his own life.
Goodness me! He looks exactly like you!
Haha! He will take my place with my wife, and I will go out to enjoy my life. You can also buy one!
Hello Mr. Smith. My name is Braling 2.
Mr. Smith decides to purchase his own Marionette, but realizes that his wife has already purchased one and has left long ago.
Mr. Braling sees Braling 2 with his wife, and becomes jealous. He wishes to have his wife back, so he orders Braling 2 to go back into his Marionette box.
Mr. Smith decides to purchase his own Marionette, but realizes that his wife has already purchased one and has left long ago.
I want my wife back. Go back into your box NOW!
Braling, when you were out with Mr. Smith, I bonded with your wife and now I seem to love her, and I wish to be with her forever.
The original Braling realizes his mistake, but it is too late and Braling 2 orders him to stay in the box, where he will stay there until he dies.
You will now stay in the box that I once stayed in, and I will become you.
NO! Please, we can talk this out! I'm sorry! PLEASE!