Hi! Welcome to The Metabolism Restaurant. Today is training for all of you who want to be hired. Follow me as I teach you how to make your first dish!
I see a sign that says Chloroplast!
Our first ingredient for Metabolism Spaghetti is cellular respiration which is located in the Mitochondria.
Does any one know know where our next ingredient photosynthesis is?
That's the electron carriers, they are coming to pick up some electrons
We made too many meatball electrons were going to use oxidation to remove some for the spaghetti
Who's car is that?
Let's go back inside! We will use reduction to add more water to the electron noodles
Oh my! Our spaghetti sauce is going through enzyme coupling. All the meat enzymes and tomato enzymes are getting togather
There is the Glycolysis machine. We will use it to break down glucose and extract the energy and add to the spaghetti sauce.
I think I remember this from biology class. We have to input 2 ATP and output 2 NAD+. Our outputs will be 4 ATP and 2 NADH.
Hmm.. I smell crabs who is cooking??
Glycolysis Machine
We gotta catch the train!
The Kreb's Cycle! After the prep cycle which took place last night. I had to input NADH, FADH2 and ATP
Oops. I forgot my crabs from last night since they were going through the preparatory cycle. Two ATP were added producing glucose.
I think I see some outputs in the pot. It looks like ATP,CO2, FADH2, NADH
What cycle?
This is the Electron Transportation Train. Transports electron from electron carriers to the membrane and makes ATP.
After this, lets go back to get the garnish for the spaghetti.
Where are we?
Come on guys let's go back inside! I seen some plants inside as well.
Its so bright out here. The sun came out.
What's a light reaction?
That's perfect for light reactions.
Here look at my tablet.
Light reaction is the first stage of photosynthesis process in which solar energy is converted into chemical energy in the form of ATP and NADPH.
See, there is some green onions we can use. Why isn't it outside though?
I remember this! The Calvin cycle is a process that plants and algae use to turn carbon dioxide from the air into sugar, the food autotrophs need to grow.
Some plants indirectly depend on light which is the Calvin's Cycle.
Guys! We forgot the cheese we have to go to the store!
But there location is different.
They are both pretty similar. They both take gasoline.
Which electron transportation train should we take the one in cellular respiration or photosynthesis?
I have got the list! We need:- ATP- NADPH- Water and more.. lets find them fast!
We made it! We are looking for a list of things that connect with photosynthesis and respiration!
Thank you, we are starting here next week! See ya soon
Thank you guys for coming along with me to the metabolism restaurant! Here is 15 ATP for both of you
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