In this box the male lizard is trying to find a mate by calling. He is calling because it attracts females but also predators. The male wants a good female to mate with so he can past down his genes into the next generation.
In this box the female heard the calling from the male and is ready to mate. The female wants to check out the male before.
Hellloo! Any body want to mate.
In this box the male and female lizards meet and are ready to mate. They both checked each other out and agree.
In this box a bird hears the calling of the lizard and fly down to eat the lizard. Now the female has to find another male to mate with.
In this box the female listens and listens to find another male. she wants to pass down her genes to a good male.
In this box the female finds a male after a long time and mates to have wonderful baby's. Now the genes from the male and female will move on to the next generation.