Credit Is when you use someone else money now but you have to pay that money back with interest/fee. Also, their is a limit on what you can spend on the credit card.
Where/When You Use CreditLots of people use credit cards on everyday purchases. You can use credit cards in stores.While, loans are used for big purchases like college/university or purchasing something major like a house.
Where You Get Credit Cards You can get credits at multiple different places like The Bank Credit Union Credit Card CompanyStore
Credit Score/ Hows Its Determine A Credit Score is a 3 digit number that gives Banks, Credit Unions, and Landlords a idea of how likely you will pay your loans/rent back. How your Credit score is determined is by these things 35% based on payment history 30% Capacity 15% Length of Credit 10% New Credit 10% Mix of Credit/ Types of Credit
Good/Bad Credit Scores Bad Credit 350-549 Poor 550-649Fair-650-699Good-700-749Excellent- 750-850
Pros/Cons Of Credit Cards Pro's Build Credit History Access to emergency funds Perks Convenience Con'sTemptation to overspend Access to overspend Accumulating debt High Interest rate Annual Fees