We were all ashamed of our Mother. She did embarrassing things like putting red darns in our clothes and giving us holey fruit. If we ever complained she would shame us.
I've gone and won the lottery!!
The car was definitely the most embarrassing thing she did. Our Uncle Raz gave us his car, and she used to drive it to the shop, tooting her horn, which sounded like a flock of ducks.
bye car!
One time our teacher even jumped in the car and drove away with her. It was so embarrassing. Almost as embarrassing as us having to tell the school bus driver to pull over when Mum came round because she didn't have brakes. That's why we started walking home.
The End
Then everything changed. Dad won the lottery, and we were suddenly rich beyond our wildest dreams!
We got new clothes, a fancy piano, and even shoes! Mum also got a new car, and we were all happy to see the old one go (except her)
Mum got a green Chevrolet, and she continued to do the same thing with it, just as Dad still milked the cows and cleaned the shed. We all changed, as we were now rich, but Mum and Dad stayed exactly the same.