Goodmorning Ladies and Gentleman. I will discuss to you the Covid 19 disease.
Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that cause disease in mammals and birds. Coronaviruses cause respiratory infections in living beings that can range from mild to dangerous.
COVID, also recognized as coronavirus, is a contagious disease distinguished by severe acute respiratory syndrome.
COVID-19 symptoms, but frequently include fever, cough, headache, fatigue, breathing difficulties, and loss of smell and taste. Symptoms can appear one to fourteen days after being exposed to the virus. At least one-third of those infected do not show whatever symptoms of infection.
To prevent covid 19 get vaccinated, staying at home, wearing a mask in public, avoiding crowded places, keeping a respectable distance from others, ventilating indoor spaces, managing potential exposure durations, washing hands with soap and water regularly and for at least twenty seconds, implementing safe respiratory hygiene, and avoiding touching the eyes, nose, or mouth are all preventive measures.