the land that were goin to get and a little house.
just nuts i dont blame the guy for kepping you here.
S'pose george don't come back no more?
what what?
Crooks is confused on why lennie is at the barn he has no idea why. Lennie came to the barn to see his pup george tells lennie to stay at the barn.
you got a nice cozy little place in here must be nice to have a room.
sure a manure pile under the window all to myself is swell.
Crooks does not belive lennie that george and him are going to get a little place for each other. They want to live the american dream that they are hoping for.
you ain't wanted here.
A guy wanted to put me in the pitshers right in hollywood.
Crooks is saying to lennie that he is lonely he has nobody. lennie and george have each other crooks is a little jelous.
So now get out of here.
So it was you you are dumb like they say your the only guy on the ranch with with guts.
Candy is saying to Crooks that Crooks has a nice place for himself. Crooks is saying it as a starcastic way because he is lonely and does not want to be alone.
Curelys wife is saying that if she was not with curely she would of beeen in the pitchers in hollywood she is lonely and does not know where to go.
Curely wife is happy that george had hurt curley and she does not really love curley that much. lennie and george had to lie saying that george got his hand stuck in a machine.