Annemarie is racing her sister Kirsti and friend Ellen but right when Annemarie was reaching the street corner she was stopped by a Nazi confused on why she was running up the street with her friend and sister. Although the Nazi;s have been in Denmark for a few years the still couldn't speak proper danish.
Later on from Annemarie being stopped at the street corner Annemarie goes home only to be greeted by peter later on that night to be informed that the Nazi's are taking the jew's away
Falling Action
Later the next day Kirsti Broke a button on her shirt so Annemarie and Kirsti had to go get a new button only to find out the button shop was closed with the a sign with a swastika on it meaning the Nazi's had shut the shop down never to be used again till years later.
Falling Action
Many chapters later Annemarie is forced to run through the forest to deliver a very important package that stuns Nazi dogs sense of smell temporarily so the can't smell any jew's s hiding any ways Annemarie was stopped by two soldiers and two dogs.
After she was stopped she was able to deliver the packege safely to Uncle Henrik were he explained that the packege was so the dogs couldn;t smell humans temporarly after smelling the kankerchief.
After the jew's were safe in Sweeden Uncle Henrik explained to Annemarie that the jew's are safe and there was nothing to worry about.