I'll have a battery against him...Though I struck him first, yet it's no matter for that
Let go thy hand!
Act 4 Scene 1 Outside of Olivia's estate
Come, sir, I will not let you go!
Go with me to my house ... Do not deny.
Act 4 Scene 1 Olivia's Garden
I am mad or else this is a dream... if it be thus to dream, still let me sleep
Act 4 Scene 2 Dark room in Olivia's estate
I am not mad, Sir Topas. I say to you this house is dark
Madman, thou errest. I say there is no darkness but ignorance, in which art more puzzled than the Egyptians in their fog.
Sir Topas (Fool )
Good fool, help me to some light and some paper...I am well in my wits as any man in Illyria...Convey I will set down to my lady.
I'll ne'er believe a madman till I see his brains. I will fetch you light and paper and ink.
Act 4 Scene 2 Dark Room
Act 4 Scene 3 Olivia's Garden
Where's Antonio...I could not find him at the Elephant... That this may be some error but no madness... I am ready to distrust mine eyes...but that I am mad--Or else the lady's mad.
Go with me and with this holy man into the chantry by. There before him and underneath the consecrated roof, plight me the full assurance of your faith