We won't provide you any help because your father is working abroad
You shall be Sri Lankan
Hi guys, its nice to meet y'all
Shajanika, you are not allowed to participate in any extra-curricular activities
Tamils and Sinhalese students separate
Tamils do not deserve to live!
This is genocide!
It isn't safe!!
Don't worry, we'll be together again soon!!
Sri Lankan government won't help you because your father is in Canada now
It is gonna cost us so much time and money!!!
Complete medical checkup, hand-in all IDs, prove you have $30,000, prove you are not disable.......your application will be rejected if you don't submit them
Fill out these forms. Who is you doctor? You won't receive your luggage for 1 week. Where are you gonna stay? Why are you in Canada? Are carrying any explosives with you? Remove your clothing for security checkup
This is White Canada!
Language issue
You smell like curry!
Go back to where you came!!
Culture shock!
You are here to steal our money!
Image Attributions:2448946 (https://www.pexels.com/photo/flag-of-canada-2448946/) - Social Soup Social Media - License: Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed
Image Attributions
2448946 - Social Soup Social Media - (License Free To Use / No Attribution Required / See https://www.pexels.com/license/ for what is not allowed