"He wouldn’t get any of the roots for her,so she set out to do it herself. She bent over and she looked down, and she saw theocean far below. She leaned down and stuck her head through the hole and lookedall around. No one knows just what happened next. Some say she slipped. Some saythat her husband, fed up with all the demands she had made on him, pushed her.So she fell through the hole. As she fell, she frantically grabbed at its edges, buther hands slipped. However, between her fingers there clung bits of things thatwere growing on the floor of the Sky-World and bits of the root tips of the GreatTree. And so she began to fall toward the great ocean far below."
"As the time approached for them to be born, the twins fought about their birth. The right-handed twin wanted to be born in the normal way, as all children are born. But the left-handed twin said no. He said he saw light in another direction, and said he would be born that way. The right-handed twin be seeched him not to, saying that he would kill their mother. But the left-handed twin was stubborn. He went in the direction where he saw light. But he could not be born through his mother’s mouth or her nose.He was born through her left armpit, and killed her"
"The right-handed twin picked up the body and cast it off the edge of the earth. And some place below the world, the left-handed twin still lives and reigns"