I used Melmetal Kyogre Garchomp Machamp Giratina Machamp Heatran Dragonknite Togekiss rhyperior for GBL. My favorites are Pikachu Jigglypuff Wigglytuff teddiursa Dragonknite. There is 9 generation of pokemon now. Newest is Scarlet and Violet Nov 18 2022. I am not sure that Pokemon that ever end in Generations. Maybe will collect pokemon games on the switch. Pokemon been around since 1996 and pokemon cards dec 18 1998. Pokmeon is only going though the end of gen y to gen z so far. The gameboy have pokemon games and it pretty awesome that people coming out new gen of pokemon present day. the first 3 generation of pokemon since they came out before me
Brutal Swing glarain Wheezing and Ampharos have it high horse power mamoswine piloswine glarain rapidash Meteor Beam Aggron Sudowoodo Aurorus Tyrantrum
Incinerate Pyroar litleo both genders Polygeist Gourgeist Golurk Dusknoir
I played the raid day it is super fun because i caught 48 of them in total 9 raids and there is another one dec 3 2 to 5 pm Hoen mega raid day is good i might go next week depends if a person is free or not the next season is Mythical wishes is so good. I am looking forward to the next season. Hisuan Avalugg raid day dec 24 2 to 5pm ad keldeo special research is super cool
Charm is nerfed 16 dmg to 15 dmg poison fang cost more energy wing attack energy generation increased
out of the three pokemon that I mentioned Swampert is the the most useful during GBL. just one more time with my brother younger brother do raids that I hope. i liked
different pokemon for different events and the delviary featured pokemon will change to the another featured pokemon outfit is 4 symbols means small plates drinks entrees sweets.
rank 1 get metang poliwag meditate wingull spheal swablu rank 6 Mareanie skarmory frillish rank 13 lickitung onix swinub dratini rank 16 Miltank Hisuan Sneasel Scraggy rank 20 current legendary ring axew shoes noibat top and pants goommy pose pikachu
the pokemon level increased higher stats and the gimmicks unlock 1 3 15 and special gimmick through pokemon notes combos skill time megaphones multiplier I get two max level pokemon of 20
I am excited to caught shiny pokemon and get the pokemon to join the staff. I have low energy to play orders or events I am looking forward to new updates/ events I did the recent event Spheal hospitality is so much fun to complete it 3 goals to reach the number goal peakish 800 k hungry 3m ravenous 10m I usually score 2.2 m to 6.3m without the goal part. it also fun to increase the pokemon puzzle score by a certain percent like 3% 5% 10% with a gimmick increased if you obtain 4 cafe token through the delviary feature and you can get special outfits 5* outfits too. I can request for 5 energy daily though the team and the golden acorns is a currency the game you can shuffle customers and pay weekly energy 30 per week 4k acorns and the events is very cool
All orders needs certain pokemon to make things easier I am not far in the orders section. I think total time 2 to 4 hours during the event
I caught two shiny Swampert during the raid day The sacred swords pokemon is so good
I am not sure about the elite raid pokemon I don't know what pokemon it is. I will ask him later today if is free. I am looking forward to dec days of next week. Virizion is pretty good 4/5 and 3.5/5 overall in the league and terrakion is 3/5 in master league is ok Cobalion is 4/5 2/5 is pretty good.