The new emperor of Rome is declared to be Agustus!!
Pax Romana was started by Augustus he was Julius Cesar's great nephew. Pax Romana lasted for over 200 years it was then known as the golden age, in Latin the meaning Pax Romana meant Roman Peace it was called this because during this period there were less wars and it meant that Rome was at peace and thriving.
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I will unite the controlled lands to make a one big empire!
what shall you do now that you've drafted your rivals/
As soon as Agustus became Roman emperor he had defeated his rivals and united Roman controlled lands making it the Roman empire, he made sure to expand Rome's boarders
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We present to you a brand new temple including new roads which can better trading merchants !!
Due to the Pax Romana there was peace meaning less wars meaning it gave Romans opportunties to build more improving buildings and roads this benefited with trade and allowing people to work more jobs this is why Pax Romana is considered a golden age so many good things happened to Rome throughout this era