Alex goes on a date with Mark, which makes them Alex and Mark.This is an example of of a synthesis chemical reaction
Mel and Darren have been together forever and now they going back to being just Mel and just Darren. This is an example of a decomposition chemical reaction.
I think we need to see other people
Now that Karen and Dan are broken up Steve doesn't feel left out but now Dan is left out because Karen and Steve are dating. This is an example of a single replacement chemical reaction
We are meant for each other
Can I dance with your date
Greg and Sally are at the dance with Bella and Christian. Greg would like to dance with Sally and Christian would like to dance with Bella. So they Switch parnters. This is an example of a double replacement chemical reaction.
Can I dance with yours
If we have the reactants C3H6 and 5O2 what are the products?
You would get 3CO2 and 4H2O
This is an example of a combustion chemical reaction
Thank you for watching Presentation by: Avery and Shaun