If you don't go to college then you will only get to get temporary jobs like working at a store or restaurant or maybe starting your own business
I don't want to go to college i want to go straight to work how do I do that?
But there are benefits they will pay for your insurance and if you want they will pay for your college if you want to go for you dream career
To be in the army you must go through a very intense boot camp and if you make it intense training everyday
Being a solider and fighting for my country has been my dream since I was a little kid how can I make it come true and what are the benefits?
That sounds like a great idea just a lot of people say that they will go to college then just drop out so stay divoted!
This year I am gonna take a gap year so I can experience life and have fun then go straight to hard work and start working
I have the perfect solution go for your associate's degree it gives you simple knowledge and you only take 2 years and you can transform it into a career
I want to go for a bachelors degree but it is to much what should I do?
Well then you need vocational school it is for people who want to be someone like a technician or skilled careers that take skill and effort
I want to have a skilled career where I can hep people
The you should get your bachelors degree i only requires four years and you can specialize in any career you want!
I want to go to collage for at lest 4 years and I want to specialize in something