2. A budget can also help you think more about your money, and be more mindful about in the moment spending. If you decided to go shopping with friends, you will know how much you can spend and how it will affect you financially. Whereas if you had no idea how much money you have already spent, it could be dangerous to go shopping, because you could run out of money for basic needs like paying taxes, or for food.
1. That's great that budgets can help you see if you're overspending! But what else can a budget do for me?
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Don't worry, you'll be okay.
A budget helps you save money for things like emergencies, too. If you or your family member has an emergency, you will have some money saved up, and you won't be hundreds of dollars in debt.
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1. So, now you know that budgets can help you be more mindful about your spending, save money for emergencies, know when you're overspending, and help you rearrange your spending to be more efficient with your money. It is good to have a budget for all your money making life to make smart choices and prevent financial emergencies.
2. Wow! I didn't know budgets can help in that many ways! I will definitely start a budget to buy a car. Thank you so much for convincing me.