I had to put my son Moses in the river because soldiers are triyn to kill the first born so we Hebrews don't rebel. ):
Your are only faith.
Waaaaaaaaaaaa!! i dont remember ieng adopted.
Oh a baby he must of been sent from he gods. I shall adopt him and care for him.
i killed someone no im o sad now im gonna leave Egypt now an go to another place
OH no he killed someone!
you pushed me of know im dead why?
I am mosses and i am bc to rlease my people from slavery.
No im your brother and im know pharaoh so no.
So i will do gods wonders by doing god stuff and you to free my people plz.
Ok fine ill let them goo just plz don't destroy anything yo killed my son with the tenth pluge that is killin of te first born ahhhhh!
MMM... i have dinner (:
Yay we are freed by Moses and now we shall follow Moses to better grounds to live and grow. And we left Ramses to die on a rock with Egypt almost dead and gone.
MOSES!! you left me in a rock
My people are now finally free after many years of back braking work we are all free.