Maybe you should will go to the hospital to check your arm Luka!
Mmm,,,, , I don't fell well now, can we go late?
No please, don't tell nothing ¡¡That's not your businnes!!
Good and you?
I fell down of my bike yesterday
I didn't, I just tell him i'd go with you to the doctor. Because it really hurts a lot.
It's my dad,,, He won't let me in my house becouse he's angry with me!!
Yes please, I'm very cold here
Why Luka? Did you done something wrong?
Come with me honey, it's too late for you to be alone in the street
Luka? What are you doing here, it's to late, are you alone?
Well, the true is that my father always comes angry from work, and it's not his fault because I didn't make my bed the other day...
I don't feel good talking about this... but I will tell you
He got angry about that, I swear was my fault, he yalled a lot and I got scared and I ran away, he pushed me and I fell against the wall, that's why my arm hurts me so much
Okey Luka, I think it's time to tell me the true about you arm...It's true that you broke it riding a bike?