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The 3 robbers who wanted everything

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The 3 robbers who wanted everything
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  • I do not care we are going with my plan
  • we could buy the world with all of this
  • It will be OK guys we must keep going and staying strong
  • I-If only you listened to me f-for once
  • The three robbers argued over the plan to steal the riches. Sadie proposed that they do it stealthily while Rob yelled that they go through the front door in a disguise, while Logan listened to them argue. Sadie said "we will be in and out quick as the wind".
  • The king orded me and my friends to over look the production of the town
  • As they finally went with Robs plan and made it into the treasury with their disguises as they saw all the gold that was shimmering golden water. Rob and Logan dropped to there knees while looking at the mountains of gold. Sadie being dramatic like always berated Rob in her mind for the stupid plan which would get them caught by the king and queen.
  • Only the finest room for the kings posy
  • As our band of robbers were caught the king exiled them to "the new world which Spain was currently in. as Sadie was balling her eyes out barely being able to speak, Rob was in shock and stayed quite out of disbelief. Logan tried to give them some wise words.
  • Finally after their 7 month long journey they arrived in the Spanish territory. Rob pulling out his best people skills talked with the guards and deceived them telling them they were sent by the king to help with production. The soldier who were skeptical at first welcomed them and decided they needed a tour.
  • At the days end when the tour was over and everyone went home Logan asked about accommodations and the general responded with that they would have the finest they had. The grouped thanked them and talked among themselves about how the night was unhappy and they should get inside the house.
  • Rushing into the house they have been given Sadie had said she was going to sleep and called a bed and went to sleep immediately. Rob and Logan played a game for who got the other bed and talked about how they met each other and the similarities between what has happened then and now. They concluded that if they would have just taken some of Sadie's advice and her plan like they wouldn't be here, and came up with a pact to listen more often.
  • Sadie was right we should have listened more to her and trusted her we wouldn't be here because shes gotten us out of trouble before.
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