Oh Wow! Your cough does sound bad! Must be those allergies Amy!
*COUGH* *COUGH*Yup! *Sniffles* My allergies are getting bad!
Man I do not feel good! My temperature is 101.4 I better go see my doctor!
Adam, It looks like you are sick with the flu. You must of contracted it from someone who is also contagious! You must get plenty of fluids and rest as you body is going to need to fight this off since there is no medication to cure it...
During a lunch date with Amy, Adam contracted the flu virus she was carrying. The virus entered the body disguised as a protein and infected his cells.
The virus then took over his cells and began to multiply and replicate. This is why Adam had a fever when he returned home later that day. While Adam feels very weak and tired his body is actually beginning to start fighting off the virus. This begins the immune response to the invader.
While Adam is sleeping his body is starting to use T-cells found in his lymph to fight off the virus. These cells function to find and destroy cells infected by the virus. The pain Adam is in signals his body is beginning to win the fight.
The T-Cells have won the fight! Now that Adam's body has had time to recover, He is allowed to return to University a week and a half later!