Lord of the Flies, by William Golding (novel - England)
Juvenile Justice Argument Essay: Should children be tried as adults in a court of law?
This person is being judge as an adult. The crime that they committed is so nasty that they have to be trailed as an adult.
Fast Food Nation, by Eric Schlosser (non-fiction - U.S.)
In lord of the Flies piggy dies after being hit by a large rock that “struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee,” causing him to fall fatally on the rocks below.
This is talking about how so crime should be trail as if it was an adult. Some crime are awful that they need to be trailed differently. It show an example too other people that crime that they commit could me trail differently base on what they do and not there age.
During this time and year in 2001 a lot of people where eating more and more fast food. The book talk about how people where gaining more wait and since fast food was getting easier to get and had to put less effort trying to get the food it meant they where not losing anymore or a little bit of weight.