Hi, Lola I have been so tired lately. Im often getting headache, fatigue and insomnia
Hi Emma, how you doing?
Oh really!! what is stress?
Oh you must have been experiencing a stress.
Oh yeah, I think you are right, I might probably experiencing stress. I have overwhelmedwith my homeworklately, so I dont have time for socializing..What should I do to releases this?
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any works or thought that makes you feel frustrated, sad and angry.
Oh great, I can do jogging , swimming, running or yoga. What else?
Do you know that regular exercises can boost your energy as well as reducing stress. Just do at least 30 minutes per day and you will feel refresh.
Ok noted. So I should eat more fruits, and vegetables.
Eating healthy and nutritious food can help you reduce the stress. A healthy diet can promote a healthy gut, which support our good mood and emotion.
wow thanks a lot Lola. I will try to do it, for my good and healthy body and mind.
another important thing, is getting enough sleep. If you tired, just rest. Give your self a good enough sleep. because having enough sleep will give you extra energy for you to take another activity.