What is we don't revise them? My students are very proud of this paper and it's the last one of the year.
What is we don't revise them? My students are very proud of this paper and it's the last one of the year.
The topics discussed in these articles are much too controversial for this school and it's students. The teen currently enrolled and pregnant is very easy to identify. Please revise before publication.
We cannot revise them in time to meet the deadline for publication, what else can we do?
If not revised in time, delete the two articles all together or this paper will NOT be published.
This violates our freedom of speech and First Amendment Rights.
It's either revisions or no articles at all.
Let's take this to the U.S District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri.
This is violating our First Amendment Rights. It's quieting our freedom of speech.
No, if the school had good reason, it could place limits on school activities, like the newspaper.
Fine, I'll go to the Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit
This is violating our First Amendment Rights. It's quieting our freedom of speech
I reversed the decision of the lower court, I agreed that the students first amendment rights had been violated. The newspaper is part of the school curriculum and also a “public forum”.
What the peck.
The Supreme Court ruled against the students 5-3. The majority opinion though that the First amendment doesn’t take away the school’s rights to take out things they see unreasonably fit for their school.