For Elvis 11th birthday he got his first guitar.they were very poor,but he always wanted a guitar.
You are very good!!
This was this his first show, and he was very excited.The song he was going to sing was called "That is alright(Mama)"All the girls was all over him and he was was one handsome.
Elvis bought his mom and his father a new house with a swimming pool and every thing.this was the time where he go very rich, and very popular.
Thank you so much.My little Elvis!
87 East Drive
Elvis married Priscilla on May 1,1967 at the Aladdin Hotel, in Las Vegas.Then had a baby on Feb,1 1968 named Lisa.That was less then a year after they got married.
You look handsome!
My baby girl!
They grow up fast!!
Elvis had a hard time with drugs, and it all started when he was in the military and he would take sleep pills so he could stay up with his friends.When he got back he still did them because he thought he was very cool.
You are so addicted!!!!
Elvis had his last show on June 16.Then he died on Aug 16.Reason of death taking pills because he loved them very much.He had no wife to say bye to because he divorced Priscilla.He could stop doing to drug.