the priest talks to Edipo el rey to tell him about the needs of the people, Edipo asks for help from creon, his brother-in-law.
creonte informs him that the plague is the punishment of the gods for the murder of lavo. therefore, until the person responsible does not atone for his guilt, the plague will continue to plague the city.
the king consults the blind man tiresias on the advice of creonte. tiresias lets him know that he is the murderer of layo, and that he is also living in incest with his mother, yocasta.
creonte and oedipus argue heatedly. until yocasta shows up. with the purpose of dissipating Edipo worries. yocasta lets him know that lavo died at the hands of bandits at the crossroads of three roads.
Edipus remembers that in his exile he killed someone at the crossroads of three roads, but he did it by himself and not in a group.
a message appears to announce that Polybius has died and that he must go to take his place as successor.
Edipo discovers that he is not the blood son of polybiusFaced with the terrible truth. yocasta commits suicide. oedipus. dismayed. decides to break his eyes with the brooches of yocasta's dress. so that when he dies he will not be able to look his parents in the eyes in hades.