HAHAHA Omg, your the kid that was made fun of on tik tok for their arm and went viral!
Hey stop, thats mean! I cant help I was born with a deformed arm.
Hey lily, So you see, I was just walking and then some kid came up to me making fun of my arm and saying people are making videos about me online.
Hey William, whats wrong?
Oh no! How could someone be so mean! especially cause you can't even help it. We need to tell an adult to solve this bullying.
Okay, Willam we will get this handled immediately and try our absolute best to make sure this never happens again and we will be speaking to both Ryan and his parents.
Hi Mrs. Jackson, We would like to inform you that Ryan Jacobs the 8th grader has been bullying William about his arm, making fun of him, and posting videos about him online. *shows video*
Okay thank you so much, this means a lot to me!
And I would like to thank you too Lily! Thank you for being an up stander! We need more kind and respectful people like you!
Omg, I can't believe Ryan would do such thing! William, is this true?
Of course William! Thank you for letting me help you report this situation. If you ever need me again just let me know. I hope y'all have the best day!
Yes ma'am, This is true and it hurt my feelings and I needed help reporting it to you so Lily helped me and I want the bullying to stop