Catholic Priests Defending War in Iraque and Afeghanistanas jus ad bellum
As Augustine told us "it is licit to stop the unjust agressor"
I hope Americans will join our family in working to ensure that dignity and opportunity will be secured for all the women and children of Afghanistan.
Laura Bush calling for a just war
Soldier using the jus in bellum argument killing for necessity
I had to kill a 10 year old child who was throwing bombs at us. I didn't regret. It was the right decision, but that is the kind of demons that come back sometimes .
They said they came for us, women and girls, but after 20 years, we might be on our own again.
Woman talking about the lack of just pos bellum in Afghanistan
We are not going to fight for a country that doesn't fight for itself. We can't win this war.
from Day's "On war and peace" ‘I have never yet found a pacifist whose pacifism inspired him with such inner beauty as I have found in several men for whom war, under certain circumstances, was a reasonable, justifiable, if tragic necessity.’
I was in the military for 25 years and I served in Afghanistan I'm sad for the people who lost their lives.
I'm sad for the people that continue to live there, that had had a taste for 20 years what a difference they could experience, perhaps under a democracy similar to ours.