Percy? Please tell me those ladies aren't looking at you . .
Chapter 3:
Grover? What happened?
Percy! Percy!
In this scene Percy's math teacher Mrs. Dodds turned into a monster! Mrs. Dodds was as scary as lightning and thunder! After she turned into a monster she attacked PERCY! Of course Percy had no idea what was happening so when Mr. Brunner his Latin teacher tossed him a pen (sword) he did the only thing that came naturally to him . . . he swung the sword and VAPORIZED Mrs. Dodds.
In this scene Grover is worried that the three old ladies are looking at Percy. If the three old ladies snip the string while looking at Percy it means that he or someone will die (Grover is secretly a mythological creature that is Percy's protector) because the socks are the socks of death. In this scene Percy is confused because he doesn't know why Grover is so worried. Grover is as worried as me when I can't find my bunnies!
In this scene Grover is running towards Percy and his Mom in the rain that was so strong it could tip the world upside down. Percy's mom is worried because she also knows that Percy is in danger along with Grover. Percy is surprised that Grover is so worried and that Grover isn't even human! Grover had the legs of the front part of a goat and he was running towards Percy and his mom like it was the most important thing in the world.