I wish something was different about our utopian city.
Uhm..? WHy would you want that
I have nothing to do with this dont blame me!
We have to fix this now we must go to the chimney of wonders!
Yes we came for that actually is it in there??
Were you guys the ones who did this? Did you come for the reversal of this wish?
What even is that?!?!?
Nothing but a regular old rainy wet day in this perfect utopian city. Nothing ever goes wrong here and everything stays the same. Don't we all wish for a change in our everyday lives?
Yeah. I sure hope not i wouldn't know what to do after.
I sure hope that scary man that was outside isn't lying to us.
Was this change good enough? Want what you had before? Recover it.
Ah yes the wisher is finally here
Help us reverse this please i didnt mean to make that wish i just wnanted something different.
Is this a WISH DRAGON?!?!?
i can reverse it in one condition. Love your perfect utopian city
They walked up to the chimney of wonders and they see some odd person..
And so they walked towards the end of the tunnel searching for the reversal to this wish.