I survived destruction of Pompeii by Lauren Tarshis. Emanuel
What is that!
Marcus find Tata her father
Sir this my son let him go
What do you two are doing gladiators take him!
Marcus and Tata escaped from Pompeii
This way !
In august 24 ad 79, the people of Pompeii was terrified of the mountain Vesuvius, that erupted killing thousands of people, and covering the city with ash and rocks.
Marcus and Tata find out something terrible
Marcus wake up we need to go !
The gods are punishing us!
Before everything happen, the eruption of Vesuvius. Marcus was a kid that was a slave, in Pompeii was a going in the street but in the crowd he recognize a face, he found his father Tata was a gladiator Tata jumped off the horse and hugged Marcus, but then the lanista the person who organize the parade was angry about that so he ordered to take Tata and then go on the parade .
Vesuvius explodes
The earth is going to explode
Everyone leave Pompeii
Marcus tried to save Tata from the gladiators, he tried to get a snake and attack the lanista, and it was a success. While Tata took the horse and escape and Tata took Marcus with him, and then they escaped from Pompeii, and They went to the mountain Vesuvius, to hide and the gladiators don't find them.
Lesson: Thanks to Tata and Marcus they risks there lives, to warned the people of Pompeii .
Run the ash is getting to us !
When they escape from the guards, they went to the top of the mountain Vesuvius to the guards don't find them, but then a gas started going on of the top the mountain, intoxicating Marcus and Tata and then they started ruining from the gas. They went to the top of the mountain realizing that the mountain Vesuvius, was going to exploded and Pompeii was in danger .
After they found that Vesuvius, was going to make explode, Tata and Marcus return to Pompeii to warned people, was going to happen to Pompeii, but Festus, the most powerful man in Pompeii, didn't let the people go, but when Vesuvius explode everyone stared to Vesuvius with fear, the people start ruining to the gates of Pompeii
Marcus and Tata teach and important lesson, because they risk there lives to warned the people of Pompeii, and he didn't care if the people didn't believe him, so he tried many ways to warned the people, but the government didn't wanna listen. Everyone died but that make a hero that at least tried to warned people and save the city of Pompeii.