It was very cold and snowy at Valley Forge. They were stationed near a forest and on a hill. Many soldiers did not have shoes and the soldier on the left does not.
Problems Faced by the Soldiers #1
George Washington lived in mush better quarters than the soldiers. He had a small house and a much better bed. He was better clothed and trained.
Problems Faced by the Soldiers #2
The soldier's quarters were small log cabins that soldiers bunked in with each other. This made the spread of disease easier.
Training with Baron Fredrick von Steuben
During the stay at Valley Forge, there was a breakout of many diseases and many soldiers died from these diseases. It was a big problem for the soldiers because they could not train and were always at risk of illness.
Another problem during the Continental Army's stay at Valley Forge was the lack of supplies such as food and clothing. Many soldiers did not have shoes and they lived off of firecake, a flour and water mixture.
Training made the army better. They trained a lot and moved things around the camp like the kitchens. Baron Fredrick von Steuben needed an interpreter to help train them.