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Around the world in 80 days

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Around the world in 80 days
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  • Mr Fogg, Passepartout and their guide saw that there was a strange ceremony in a little village in the forest. There was some people singing and playing drums. There was a statue of a goddess too. In the middle, a woman was walking slowly between the people. She was followeed by two guards. 
  • The guide told the travellers that it was a local tradition called "suttee". The tradition is that when a woman's husband dies, his wife have to sacrifice in the pyre of the husband. The three men leave. 
  • At the pagoda, they tried to plan a rescue whispering, but there were watched by some guards. Passepartout had an idea, but he didn't tell it to Mr Fogg and the guide. 
  • In the ceremony, the travellers were in the middle of the people. Mr Fogg wanted to run to save the woman, but Passepartout saved her, hiding in the place where the prince should had been resting. They runned to the forest. 
  • Mr Fogg, the guide and Passepartour carring Aouda (the woman) ran in the forest, followed by some guards. They finally scaped of them, and saved Aouda. 
  • The two men told everything to Aouda in the train to Clacutta. In the port, a police stopped them because of something that Passpartout did, but Mr Fogg solved it. They should wait until the next day to go to the ship. They were 24 hours late.
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