Once upon a time, there was a woman named Kaitlyn. She lived in a beautiful home in Austin, Texas with her dog, Fido.
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One day, Kaitlyn found out the most shocking news..... she was pregnant!
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How can I raise a child if they cannot even talk to me?
Kaitlyn did not know anything about raising a child. She knew she needed to do some research. Her first concern was, what is the best way to help my child aquire language?
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She learned in a child development class, that mothers reading to their children is one of the top indicators of language development. Kaitlyn decided to whip out her old textbook to refresh on information
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Studies have proven mother-child reading time increases childrens reading achievement
Reading books to children promotes thier speech and language development. It also enhances cognitive and emotional social behavior.
The textbook helped a lot with her research.This was according to her culture but what about other cultures? She wondered if they used the same tactics.
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She was itching for an adventure, so she set out for China first thing in the morning!
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Kaitlyn observed numerous families with children and even asked a few mothers some questions.
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- more parental teaching than Western culture- call it "training"- picture cards for vocabulary learning- quizzes- memorize and recite poems and stories
She learned great information!
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Next, she would set out to Samoa to visit the Samoan people
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She used the same strategies with the Samoan children and their families.
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- Samoan culture values reading the bible-Pastor schools are implemented for ages 1-5 (sometimes newborns)- Tauloto strategy primarily used
She learned so many things!
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She knew she had to get home to Fido, so Kaitlyn traveled back home with so much new information!
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I was very surprised to learn how other cultures teach language based on their values and beliefs. I was also surprised by how much research says reading to and with your child is proven to be one of the top indicators of language!
She could not wait to tell Fido all the information she learned, once she got home.
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What are the components of parent-child interaction as opposed to parent-teacher interaction?
How can we make literature, like storybooks, more accessable to lower income families?
Kaitlyn believes there is still work to be done. She wants to know more!