2. I think that rings a bell I have heard that saying before but I've never took it into consideration
1. alright to start of withe basics have you ever heard of the 50 30 20 budgeting method?
4. my problems are I think I have enough money by guess because I've never checked and just assumed I was doing just fine managing my money but turns out not
3. ok that's a good start but tell me where the problem is in your budgeting skills
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a recommendation I have for you is to spending less on your wants because that has seem to be a problem on why you're running low on money and to use the 50 30 20 method and to spend 50% on your needs 30% on your wants and 20 on your savings for emergencies like this
great! I thanks Alice I am going to start budgeting today I just know it will pay off in the future I'm going start spending less on my wants and setting limitations
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*at the same mall 6 months later after Susan learns to budget
finally after budgeting ,saving and having limitations on my wants t i have been able to get things for my perrsonal use
that's great Susan I'm glad you have found a plan that works for you