The Mother Daughter PredicamentJennys mother, Penny, is always on top of Jenny to do the right thing. One night, Penny let Jenny go out with her friends. Penny was hesitant to let her go but she did, with a firm curfew of 11pm. That night Jenny went out and did not come home till 1am, two hours past her curfew. Penny was furious and let Jenny hear it. Penny told her daughter that she would never be allowed out again. This went on and on and only forced Jenny to want to grow further apart from her mother, the last thing Penny wants. As in the movie, "there must be a degree of repentence and acknowledgement so you can forgive" (4:26). Penny knew that she needed to accept that her daughter is just a kid and that mistakes happen. She learned to acknowledge her mistake and that it was an accident. The two began to forgive each other and restore their relationship.
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Two LoversThere were two lovers, Josh and Katie who have always struggled with trusting each other. The two have never done anything wrong to each other, there has been no explanation for the lack of trust with both parties. The two would argue like an old married couple daily. They would go back and forth with one another until one day Josh had enough. He realized this was not healthy and he cannot keep living like this. Josh sat down with Katie and apologized for everything, forgave her for all her wrongdoings, and said that he wants a future with her filled with trust and love. Katie was baffled by Josh taking all this ownership and forgiving. From the power of forgiveness video, "If we are looking at the forgiving personality... i dont harbor grudges... men tend to score a little bit higher in forgiving sector" (31:26). Josh knew he needed to be the one to forgive to change this relationship. It could not keep being an ego contest. From that day on, they have never been happier together.
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Forgive to ForgetJohn and Cleo have been together for awhile but Cleo's past relationship has prevented her from being able to fully open up and commit to John. John does everything right for Cleo and Cleo tries her best to reciprocate that, she just is still holding a grudge and is upset about what her last boyfriend did to her. She thinks that John will do the same thing. "If that stress is not released it seems to compile... it is the memory of the first crucade that has not been dealt with that holds back forgiveness" (Alexandra Asseily 44:15). In the video Alexandra explains how you must overcome this first crucade to forgive and move on. Cleo worked through her problems and forgave her ex boyfriend. This allowed her to open up spiritually and emotionally for John. The two have never been happier.