A want is something you are buying for your own enjoyment and not needed to live. A need is soemthing you need to live and survive like food and water
Wants vs. Needs
Well start with Wants and Needs
Woah, ok!
The most commonly used is mixed. Its is normally used globally and is under government control. The next most used is command. Command Works well as long as authority listens to the people, And governemtn controlns majority
Types of economy systems
Sounds good!
Now some economys!
Asking what somebody knows what economy about to see where to start and go over.
Supply and Demand
Do you know what supply and demand is??
Oh ok!
The lady is now walking around town to each place learning about economy. She is currently learning about Wants vs. Needs/.
Buiness Cycles
The final thing is buissiness cycles
I think i know a little but can you tell me so im sure?
The guy is explaining the 2 most common economys which are command, and mixed.
The end
That was our explaination on what economy was. Now this lovley lady knows what it is!
Supply and demand typically have a direct realtionship. As demand goes up supply goes up. As demand goes down, supply goes down.
Sometimes there is also very certain situations where sometimes is supply goes up but demand may be down. Or if demand may be up but supply isn't up because, the companies supplying may not want to produce them for whatever price it may be.
No, whats supply and demand?
A buisiness cycle is what happens over the time of it. It has a peak, reccseion, Through, and Recovery stage. Peak is when they are making most money and buisiness is booming, downfall is when they are at the lowest point and briging in little money, Recovery is when they start getting back up and start slowly climing with income. Reccison is when it starts to slow down and starts to plumbet.
The guy is explaining the buissiness cycle to the lady that thought she knew what it was and did a little bit.
Thats what I thought. Thank you so much for helping me through economy!!
Final and the lady now has a good understanding of what economy is.
Thank you so much again for walking me through. Now I have a great understanding!!!