Of Course dude, but my mom found out about us smoking weed we cant do that anymore.
Hey Bro, you want to come over to party after school?
It´s okay bro we dont have to smoke.
Hey you ready to party? My parents aren’t home they´re are at a funeral in North Carolina.
Alright then, come downstairs I brought us a little something to party with.
Of Course, Im ready bro.
I know I put some weed in here and my parents are gone so come on lets smoke.
No I can´t smoke, maybe we should go play some basketball or 2k if you want.
Don’t over exaggerate, have some fun and we won’t get in trouble. My parents aren’t here.
Your not going to get in trouble maybe, but I will. My mom is home and I already said No.
Come on bro its not that bad, I’ve tried it before and haven’t failed in school.
Don’t lie to me. I seen your grades drop and you act scared anytime you get around your friends. I don’t want to get mental or physical health problems.
It can cause anxiety and brain development issues, I don’t want that. I want to do well in school. I will rather play basketball.
As a matter of fact I will get out because I want to help you but you wont take the help so bye. I hope life goes well.