Upon my return from school today, I found mom waiting for me in the lounge with a dissatisfied expression. She informed me that the principal had summoned her to his office to discuss my writing abilities.
Regarding my writing skills, I have been consistently receiving a "D" grade for approximately six months. While I acknowledge that I struggle with writing, I do not believe that being handed a diary to write in every day is an appropriate solution.
Mom was extremely angry, resulting in a punishment of no video games, TV, pocket money, or outings with friends for a week. This is typical of my mother's discipline style, but it's important to note that not all mothers are the same, such as Henry's mother. The last time Henry and I both received an "F" in mathematics, it was met with similar consequences.
Henry’s Mom was like;
Honey you have to work hard. Don’t get disappointed. I know you’ll do well next time. Let’s get you an ice-cream to cheer up your mind.
Thankyou Mom :)
and my Mom was like;
Brad you are grounded for two weeks and you know what that means!
Yes Mom :(
So it’s better for me to ground myself before she says so.I’ve got a lot of taste in gaming. It’s hard for me to live in this horrible world without my video games for a week or two.
So at times when I’m grounded, I borrow PSP from my best friend Henry, and spend most of my time in the bathroom.
Are you still in there Brad?
Mom, I’ve a little constipation.
Coming to the pocket money, I don’t worry about it much because I’ve my Dad beside me.
Dad I need twenty bucks to apply for the IQ quiz next month.
Yeah, sure son! I'm proud of you for thinking out of the box and participating even though you never won any of them.
Mom I need twenty bucks to apply for the IQ quiz next month.
It’s easy to trick Dad but Mom is a difficult one.