She must have sold the Clostridium Botulinum to Emily which is why she was first in class to make the trip less suspicious. I have to tell the principle!
Alice was intoxicated with Clostridium Botulinum which can only be accessed by teachers in the lab. Emily had bread crumbs and a weak alibi. It must be her but why and how did she get the toxin?
Of course! Emily has been top of her class since she was 6. When Alice got top of the class this year, Emily was devastated! She wanted to get rid of the competition!
Ms. Sospechosa didn't kill her because she wouldn't let her pass in that case. But she has a reputation of making secret deals with students for money in return.
Ms. Malum, I am not impressed. Florence filled me in on everything she has discovered and it has been confirmed. You are suspended and you will be informed about actions that will need to be taken. I think killing someone who has rightfully earned a position is disgusting. I am aware you put lots of pressure on yourself but never take things to an extreme again.
Thank you head mistress!
Florence, I am terribly sorry about your expultion and you are taken back to school. Your parents have been notified and you will be the top of your class since you are the runner up for the position.
Ms. Sospechosa, you are fired for abusing teacher privileges and participating in this murder. You will follow Emily for your consequences.
During her last 3 days, Florence thought about the events and the story started to unravel. She figured out Emily was the culprit and had the assistance of their teacher. She went to confirm this theory with the investigator who later informed her that it was correct.
Florence told everything to their head mistress Mrs. Princeps who fired Ms. Sospechosa and suspended Emily until further notice. Florence got her place back at school and things slowly fell back into their original rhythm.