Total wellness includes your mental/emotional wellness, defense mechanisms, and stress management. As you can see these are things that can affect you negatively and positively, so it's important we keep these in mind. Things like your mental/emotional wellness helps you develop healthy relationships with others. Next, defense mechanisms are also dire to your total wellness as it is related to stress and what you do because of it, how you deal with the psychological responses. All of the defense mechanisms are denial, escape, rationalization, projection, repression, identification, displacement,regression, compensation, and sublimation. This brings us onto the last topic, and that is stress management. This is a major factor in involving total wellness. Stress is undeniable, something you cannot avoid. Everyone in life goes through this so it's important to know how to deal with it, and also get rid of it.
Physical wellness and setting goals are important because they can both help you out a lot if you understand it. Physical wellness is important because it is physical activity, proper nutrition, and mental well being. It is important you find balance in this because it does some damage to yourself if you don't. It is also important because of the things related to physical wellness, body fat composition. This is the amount of fat in your body. It is important to keep this check because if not watched then you could develop type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and stroke. But the benefits of maintaining your BFC are that you are at lower risk of cardiovascular disease, higher metabolism, stronger bones, and live longer. Other factors of physical wellness that are also major include flexibility, muscular endurance, muscular strength, and cardiovascular endurance. This brings us into our next topic, setting goals. SMART goals is a goal that is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-related. This way of making goals can help you accomplish your goal efficiently by approaching it at all sides.
Health and fitness are essential and important. For fitness you need to decide your activity choice as many of them vary based off health condition, personality, attitude, reason for participation,and environmental reasons. Weather is also a big factor in seeing which activity you prefer. Next, fitness is a factor that can affect your health. It is very essential that you assess your health, and make sure you are healthy. Factors of health include genetics, behavior, and also your environment.