Invite her over for a cup of tea after the meeting. I want to get a look at her.
She'll be there. I don;t see how they could hold a P.T.A. meeting without Charles' mother.
No one seems to look that bad and seem that haggard. No one has apologized about there child. Im going to go get a slice of cake. Maybe see if I can meet the teacher.
Okay well there is the kindergarten teacher. Oh gosh im so anxious to meet her. I wonder what she is going to tell me about Laurie and even possibly Charles.
Why hello! I have been so anxious to meet you. Happy iI finally get the chance to meet you now.
Well hello I am going to finish up my piece of cake and my tea really quickly and then we can go talk about Laurie in the classroom.
Laurie usually adjusts very quickly, I suppose this time it's Charles influence.
Well he certianly likes kindergarten, he talks about it all the time.
We had a little trouble adjusting, the first week or so, but now he's a fine little helper. With occasional lapses, of course.
We're all so interested in Laurie.
Yes, you must have your hands full in that kindergarten, with Charles.
Charles? we don't have any Charles in this kindergarten.