I will nieither spare you or your friends to evade Zeus' anger.
Odysseus and his crew arrive at an island where the cyclops lived, they escaped the island to get away from the cyclops.
Offering the cyclops wine
Here, Cyclops, have some wine to follow your meal of human flesh
Odysseus and his crew come across a cave where they then have a feast, the Cylops then shows up and is not happy.
Bling the cyclops
The cyclops begans to kill and eat the men that intrudeded in his cave, they started to pray for hope of surviving.
Odyssues makes a plan to blind the Cyclops by offering him wine.
Odyssues and his crew put the wooden stake and put it through the cyclop's eye, the cyclops then is questioned by his friends who is hurting him he responds with Nobody
The Cyclops sealed the cave shut with a rock in anger, but Odyssueses crew had a plan to get out, they tied themselves under the Cyclops sheeps stomach, and since was blinnded he was not able to see them.