act 1 scene 4there discussing whether the thane of Cawdor has been executed.
Has the former thane of Cawdor been executed yet?
My king, they have not come back yet, but he spoke with someone who saw Cawdor die and said that Cawdor openly confessed.
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act 1 scene 4 they are exchanging praise about there victory.
my worthiest kinsman! just this moment I was feeling guilty for not having thanked you enough, you have done so much for me that is impossible to reward.
the opportunity to serve you is its reward. your only duty, your Highness, is to accept what we owe you. our order to you is a state of duty.
you are welcome here. by making you the than of cawdor, i have planted the sees of a great career for you. and ill make sure they grow.
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act 1 scene 4 macbeth is thinking about killing duncan.
(To banquo) your right banquo. macbeth is every bit as valiant as you say, and i am satisfied with these praises of him.
Malcom is now the prince of Cumberland! to become king myself. I'm either going to have to step over him or give up. (to myself macbeth)