Having discovered his father's death, Acastus decided to be merciful to his former comrade and leader by sending Jason and Medea into exile. Soon. the newlyweds were welcomed into the city of Corinth by King Creon.
Ultimate Boon
Jason and Medea lived together happily as man and wife. The couple had two sons. However, after ten years of bliss, Jason remarried to another woman. This betrayal of sacred matrimony led Medea to commit multiple murders in Corinth as revenge.
Magic Flight
Finally, when face to face with the sleepless, deathless dragon that guarded the fleece, Medea used magic to set the beast to sleep.
Atonement with the Father
With the dragon fast asleep, Jason swiftly retrieves the golden fleece from the branch of an olive tree. His mission was almost complete.
In order to escape the wrath of Aeëtes, Jason and Medea fled in the Argo. In order to halt the fast approaching fleet of Colchis, Jason and Medea killed and dismembered the body of her baby brother Absyrtus and threw the remains in the sea. Aeëtes stopped to revcover the body.
Upon reaching Iolcus, Jason learns that both his parents committed suicide as a result of Pelias' rule. Medea, in order to get revenge, convinces Pelias that she will restore his youth using her magic. While performing the ritual, his daughters notice that the elixir was left imcomplete, thus leaving Pelias dead.