I'm trying to find the golden egg but the crab monsters are spraying me with their deadly acids!
Brianna Bouchard Jessica Rosati
Stage 2: The Cervix
The shell is open now! I can swim through and get to shore!
Stage 3: White Blood Cells
The Luka de Bepos are blocking the way!
As almost 250 millions sperm enter the vagina, most are taken down by deadly acids produced by the vagina to protect the female body from unwanted pathogens.
Stage 4: Uterotubal Junction/Fallapian Tube
Remaining sperm must navigate through the cervix, but it will be plugged shut with mucus. But during ovulation, estrogen is released and it softens the mucus and makes it so sperm can swim through. Many sperm will get stuck or lost through the passageways.
Stage 5: Fertilization
Muscular contractions propel sperm into the correct fallopian tubes, but sperm will be attacked by leukocytes which are white blood cells set out by the females immune system to protect the female.
Stage 6: Implantation
Once sperm enter uterotubal junction only sperm with the desired characteristics will be allowed to pass through. Once they pass the sperm are given nourishment from the fallopian tubes, allowing them to stay alive longer.
I feel so well nourished! I could stay here for days!
The sperm makes contact with the outer coating of the egg, and the bag of enzymes on the head of the sperm explodes which can allow the sperm to penetrate the eggs outer shell. Once the sperm is inside the egg it's 23 chromosomes from the sperm and egg pair up, this is called meiosis.
I have found the golden egg!!!
The zygote travels down the fallopian tubes towards the uterus, the cells begin to divide and become a bundle of cells called a blastocyst. Five days later the embryo breaks out and begins growing on the wall of the uterus.