Brad overhears the Doctors saying its going to take a miracle to get Doug out of his Coma.
Its going to take a miracle to get him to wake up from his Coma
Brad decides to go to Church because of his friend Doug. He has never been to Church before because his family is not religious so he does not no what to expect.
Brad goes to the front row of the Church so he can better understand the story the Priest talks about.
The Priest talks about the story "The Sheep and the Goats"
Good morning everyone! Today I want to talk about a special story called The Sheep and the Goats.
The story is about giving back to others and learning Judgement. Jesus talks about separating the good from the bad.
Jesus uses the expression Sheep and Goats because the good people that helped feed him, take care of him and cared for him are the sheep! and the selfish people who didn't help Jesus or care for him are the goats!
After hearing this story Brad realizes that he was being a Goat towards Doug.
I was being selfish and rude... I wasn't there to help my friend and look after him... IM A GOAT!