I am hoping this is going to be a good and busy day.
He is complaining of his stomach hurting on his right side I think it might be his appendix.
Okay, so we are going to take you to a room and talk to you after we do a screening on his right side.
I think the mom was right. It looks here I think he has appendicitis. He needs to stay here incase it ruptures and he needs surgery.
Okay, we have to do what we have to do. I hope he gets better.
I hate to happen for children this young and it is not common in his age but can happen. I think the mom was right he has appendicitis and might need surgery so he needs to stay here.
Unfortunately, we have some bad news.
He has appendicitis and his appendix could burst and be rushed to emergency surgery. I am sorry.This normally doesn't happen to small children. But, he is going to be in good hands and he will be ok.
what? :((
Well I am glad he is going to be in good hands here I just feel bad for him. I think he is too young for all this I hope he gets better.
Good news, He is showing and the improvement on his right side has gotten better so I think no surgery and also you can go home but if he gets to hurting again bring him back and we will get him feeling better. I would give him OTC medicine for the pain as needed.
That is such good news. I am glad he is okay. Thank you so much and your whole staff was amazing.