Ronald is an 8 year old boy who attends Santa Lucia school; his parents Maria, Pedro and his younger brother Piero are a humble but very united and happy family.
Shortly after entering the school, Pedro had an unknown illness, so the treatments were expensive, which prevented Ronald from participating in the promotion trip that was soon approaching.
Ronald didn't mind the trip, but some of his classmates teased Ronald because he couldn't go on the trip with the rest of his classmates, but they didn't know the real reason.
Professor Enzo heard all that trouble and found out Ronald's problems and understood the situation. Then he had a conversation with the Director to whom he proposed to do an activity to help Ronald and give him at least a joy in this difficult time he is going through.
After talking with the students and explaining the situation all his classmates decided to help with the activity and then went to visit him at home and gave him the great news.
In the end all the students in Ronald's class went on a promotion trip and on the other hand Ronald's father was feeling better. The trip was a success and Ronald never forgot this experience.